Past Litters

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Bailey x Crockett’s Three Amigos Litter
Born July 2023

Bailey & Crockett’s Valentine’s Litter
Born December 2022

Scout & Crockett’s Psych Litter
Born in January 2022

Willow & Crockett’s Anne of Green Gables Litter
Born January 2022

Maggie & Finn’s Peanuts Litter
Born Janaury 2022

Willow & Finn’s Star Wars Litter
Born May 2021

Maggie & Finn’s Firehouse Litter
Born May 2021

Scout & Finn’s Muppet Litter
Born January 2021

Maggie & Finn’s Christmas Litter
Born October 2020

Scout & Finn’s Magic Litter
Born July 2020


The photos below are from Willow and Scout’s litters before they joined our family!